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Beyond FGM and CICR work together to provide an Alternative Rite of Passage Ceremony in Pokot, Kenya.

Beyond FGM and CICR (centre for indigenous child rights) work together to provide an Alternative Rite of Passage Ceremony in Pokot, Kenya. Since 2010 Our first ceremony, well over 6000 girls have been empowered to refuse FGM and remain in education.  Robust feedback from our partners on the ground in Pokot inform us that the vast majority of these girls have remained uncut and in school. Several young women have since graduated to become teachers, nurses, social workers, hairdressers and business women. 

We work to train local midwives in Pokot who go on to train Traditional Birth Attendants/Circumcisers. Many of whom have since declared they will no longer cut after this valuable training. We have held several public abandonment ceremonies with the reformed circumcisers.

Our latest project is AfriReuse, a social enterprise which makes reusable menstrual hygiene kits.  Our sister organisation CICR is managing AfriReuse with the aim that it will support the CICR and thereby ensure long term sustainability for the campaign to eradicate and move beyond FGM by assisting women to lead a healthy sexual and reproductive life.


Beyond FGM and CICR are proud to have created a model for eradicating FGM which is working and will continue to work.


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