We are excited to share about the International Day of the African Child 2022 to which we contributed.
Evelyn Prech graciously spearheaded the work on the ground in Pokot, Kenya. The main event took part in Kalapata in Alale Ward, close to the Ugandan border.
As well as the gathering of the community, events such as a radio show discussing the fight against FGM and early marriage with West Pokot religious leaders, Pokot Council of the Elders and more.
Please see included photos showing the gathering of the community, tree planting and the radio show as well as other beautiful images from the day focused on fighting FGM and child marriage.
Day of the African Child 2022
Radio show discussing eliminating FGM during the Day of the African Child
Involving young male warriors in the celebrations
Tree planting
CEO and Manager of CICR: Evelyn Prech
Community gathering as part of the celebrations